🆙 Comment utiliser les caractères Unicode

Par air

?Ux1F6E9small airplane
?Ux1F6EBairplane departure
?Ux1F6ECairplane arriving

Par mer

?Ux1F6E5motor boat
?Ux1F6F3passenger ship

Par route

?Ux1F698oncoming automobile
?Ux1F699recreational vehicle
?Ux1F68Doncoming bus
?Ux1F69Adelivery truck
Ux26DFblack truck
?Ux1F69Barticulated lorry
?Ux1F692fire engine
?Ux1F693police car
?Ux1F694oncoming police car
?Ux1F6A8police cars revolving light
?Ux1F696oncoming taxi
?Ux1F6B5mountain bicyclist
Ux26FDfuel pump
?Ux1F4A5collision symbol
?Ux1F68Fbus stop
?Ux1F6E2oil drum

Par rail

?Ux1F682steam locomotive
?Ux1F683railway car
?Ux1F684high-speed train
?Ux1F685high-speed train with bullet nose
?Ux1F688light rail
?Ux1F68Btram car
?Ux1F69Emountain railway
?Ux1F69Fsuspension railway
?Ux1F6A0mountain cableway
?Ux1F6A1aerial tramway
?Ux1F6E4railway track


Ux26D4no entry
Ux26D5alternate one-way left way traffic
Ux26D6black two-way left way traffic
Ux26D7white two-way left way traffic
Ux26D8black left lane merge
Ux26D9white left lane merge
Ux26DAdrive slow sign
Ux26DBheavy white down-pointing triangle
Ux26DCleft closed entry
Ux26DDsquared saltire
Ux26DEfalling diagonal in white circle in black square
Ux26E0restricted left entry-1
Ux26E1restricted left entry-2
Ux26E2astronomical symbol for uranus
Ux26E3heavy circle with stroke and two dots above
Ux26F6square four corners
?Ux1F4F5no mobile phones
?Ux1F507speaker with cancellation stroke
?Ux1F515bell with cancellation stroke
?Ux1F51Eno one under eighteen symbol
?Ux1F6A5horizontal traffic light
?Ux1F6A6vertical traffic light
?Ux1F6A7construction sign
?Ux1F6A9triangular flag on post
?Ux1F6ABno entry sign
?Ux1F6ADno smoking symbol
?Ux1F6AFdo not litter symbol
?Ux1F6B1non-potable water symbol
?Ux1F6B3no bicycles
?Ux1F6B7no pedestrians
?Ux1F6B8children crossing
?Ux1F6C7prohibited sign
?Ux1F6AEput litter in its place symbol
?Ux1F6B0potable water symbol
?Ux1F6B9mens symbol
?Ux1F6BAwomens symbol
?Ux1F6BCbaby symbol
?Ux1F6BEwater closet
?Ux1F6C2passport control
?Ux1F6C4baggage claim
?Ux1F6C5left luggage
?Ux1F6D0place of worship