• dans le code HTML : on met le code hexa en rouge (la partie après Ux) entre et ;.
    Exemple : Ux26&
    si le caractère dispose d'une entité HTML (en vert), on l'utilise directement &
  • dans une propriété CSS, on utilise le code hexa préfixé par un antislach
    Exemple : .foo{content:"\26";}

Ma méthode de classement :

Elle sera affinée à l'usage. L'idée de base est de regrouper les caractères selon leur utilisations sans tenir compte du classement d'Unicode. Normalement, seuls les caractères lisibles sous Windows, Mac ou Android sont retenus ici. N'hésitez pas à signaler des oublis
Vous pouvez cliquer sur les liens ci-dessous pour aller directement à une sous-famille. Une fois sur la page, un menu à droite permet de naviguer dans cette dernière. Ce texte et menu est présent en haut de toutes les pages. voir le Top 100

Attention, le caractère peut être légèrement différent selon la police utilisée sur le site ou par le navigateur client.


Ux2605black star
Ux2606white star
Ux2B50white medium star
Ux2726black four pointed star
Ux2727white four pointed star
Ux2729stress outlined white star
Ux272Acircled white star
Ux272Bopen centre black star
Ux272Cblack centre white star
Ux272Doutlined black star
Ux272Eheavy outlined black star
Ux272Fpinwheel star
Ux2730shadowed white star
Ux2734eight pointed black star
Ux2735eight pointed pinwheel star
Ux2736six pointed black star
Ux2737eight pointed rectilinear black star
Ux2738heavy eight pointed rectilinear black star
Ux2739twelve pointed black star
Ux2742circled open centre eight pointed star


Ux23F0alarm clock
Ux23F2timer clock
Ux23F3hourglass with flowing sand


Ux2600black sun with rays


Ux2722four teardrop-spoked asterisk
Ux2723four balloon-spoked asterisk
Ux2724heavy four balloon-spoked asterisk
Ux2725four club-spoked asterisk
Ux2731heavy asterisk
Ux2732open centre asterisk
Ux2733eight spoked asterisk
Ux273Asixteen pointed asterisk
Ux273Bteardrop-spoked asterisk
Ux273Copen centre teardrop-spoked asterisk
Ux273Dheavy teardrop-spoked asterisk
Ux2743heavy teardrop-spoked pinwheel asterisk
Ux2748heavy sparkle
Ux2749balloon-spoked asterisk
Ux274Aeight teardrop-spoked propeller asterisk
Ux274Bheavy eight teardrop-spoked propeller asterisk


Ux2701upper blade scissors
Ux2702black scissors
Ux2703lower blade scissors
Ux2704white scissors
Ux26BFsquared key
Ux26E8black cross on shield
Ux26A0warning sign
Ux2612ballot box with x


Ux2715multiplication x
Ux2716heavy multiplication x
Ux2717ballot x
Ux2718heavy ballot x
Ux274Enegative squared cross mark


Ux270Elower right pencil
Ux2710upper right pencil
Ux2711white nib
Ux2712black nib

décorations typographiques

Ux2619reversed rotated floral heart bullet
Ux273Esix petalled black and white florette
Ux273Fblack florette
Ux2740white florette
Ux2741eight petalled outlined black florette
Ux2745tight trifoliate snowflake
Ux2746heavy chevron snowflake
Ux2766floral heart
Ux2767rotated floral heart bullet


Ux275Bheavy single turned comma quotation mark ornament
Ux275Cheavy single comma quotation mark ornament
Ux275Dheavy double turned comma quotation mark ornament
Ux275Eheavy double comma quotation mark ornament
Ux275Fheavy low single comma quotation mark ornament
Ux2760heavy low double comma quotation mark ornament


Ux2756black diamond minus white x


Ux261Ablack left pointing index
Ux261Bblack right pointing index
Ux261Cwhite left pointing index
Ux261Dwhite up pointing index
Ux261Ewhite right pointing index
Ux261Fwhite down pointing index
Ux270Cvictory hand
Ux270Dwriting hand

Coche - validation

Ux2611ballot box with check
Ux2713check mark
Ux2714heavy check mark
Ux2705white heavy check mark

Parenthèses - accolades

Ux2768medium left parenthesis ornament
Ux2769medium right parenthesis ornament
Ux276Amedium flattened left parenthesis ornament
Ux276Bmedium flattened right parenthesis ornament
Ux276Cmedium left-pointing angle bracket ornament
Ux276Dmedium right-pointing angle bracket ornament
Ux276Eheavy left-pointing angle quotation mark ornament
Ux276Fheavy right-pointing angle quotation mark ornament
Ux2770heavy left-pointing angle bracket ornament
Ux2771heavy right-pointing angle bracket ornament
Ux2772light left tortoise shell bracket ornament
Ux2773light right tortoise shell bracket ornament
Ux2774medium left curly bracket ornament
Ux2775medium right curly bracket ornament


Ux2719outlined greek cross
Ux271Aheavy greek cross
Ux271Bopen centre cross
Ux271Cheavy open centre cross


Ux26B8black moon lilith
Ux271Dlatin cross
Ux271Eshadowed white latin cross
Ux271Foutlined latin cross
Ux2720maltese cross
Ux2721star of david


Ux2616white shogi piece
Ux2617black shogi piece
Ux269Ethree lines converging right
Ux269Fthree lines converging left
Ux26D1helmet with white cross
Ux26D2circled crossing lanes
Ux26FEcup on black square
Ux26FFwhite flag with horizontal middle black stripe
Ux2761curved stem paragraph sign ornament
Ux2762heavy exclamation mark ornament
Ux2763heavy heart exclamation mark ornament
Ux2764heavy black heart
Ux2765rotated heavy black heart bullet
Ux269Doutlined white star
Ux260Aascending node
Ux260Bdescending node
Ux2620skull and crossbones
Ux2621caution sign
Ux2622radioactive sign
Ux2623biohazard sign
Ux2626orthodox cross
Ux2627chi rho
Ux2628cross of lorraine
Ux2629cross of jerusalem
Ux262Astar and crescent
Ux262Bfarsi symbol
Ux262Cadi shakti
Ux262Dhammer and sickle
Ux262Epeace symbol
Ux262Fyin yang
Ux2630trigram for heaven
Ux2631trigram for lake
Ux2632trigram for fire
Ux2633trigram for thunder
Ux2634trigram for wind
Ux2635trigram for water
Ux2636trigram for mountain
Ux2637trigram for earth
Ux2638wheel of dharma
Ux263Cwhite sun with rays
Ux263Dfirst quarter moon
Ux263Elast quarter moon
Ux2640female sign
Ux2642male sign
Ux26C9turned white shogi piece
Ux26CAturned black shogi piece
Ux27B0curly loop
Ux27BFdouble curly loop
Ux2300diameter sign
Ux2301electric arrow
Ux2303up arrowhead
Ux2304down arrowhead
Ux2307wavy line
Ux2308lceil Plafond à gauche
Ux2309rceil Plafond à droite
Ux230Alfloor Plancher à gauche
Ux230Brfloor Plancher à droite
Ux230Cbottom right crop
Ux230Dbottom left crop
Ux230Etop right crop
Ux230Ftop left crop
Ux2310reversed not sign
Ux2311square lozenge
Ux2315telephone recorder
Ux2316position indicator
Ux2317viewdata square
Ux2318place of interest sign
Ux2319turned not sign
Ux231Ctop left corner
Ux231Dtop right corner
Ux231Ebottom left corner
Ux231Fbottom right corner
Ux2320top half integral
Ux2321bottom half integral
Ux2324up arrowhead between two horizontal bars
Ux2325option key
Ux2326erase to the right
Ux2327x in a rectangle box
Ux2329lang Chevron vers la gauche
Ux232Arang Chevron vers la droite
Ux232Berase to the left
Ux232Cbenzene ring
Ux232Eall around-profile
Ux2330total runout
Ux2331dimension origin
Ux2332conical taper
Ux2336apl functional symbol i-beam
Ux2337apl functional symbol squish quad
Ux2338apl functional symbol quad equal
Ux2339apl functional symbol quad divide
Ux233Aapl functional symbol quad diamond
Ux233Bapl functional symbol quad jot
Ux233Capl functional symbol quad circle
Ux233Dapl functional symbol circle stile
Ux233Eapl functional symbol circle jot
Ux233Fapl functional symbol slash bar
Ux2340apl functional symbol backslash bar
Ux2341apl functional symbol quad slash
Ux2342apl functional symbol quad backslash
Ux2343apl functional symbol quad less-than
Ux2344apl functional symbol quad greater-than
Ux2345apl functional symbol leftwards vane
Ux2346apl functional symbol rightwards vane
Ux2347apl functional symbol quad leftwards arrow
Ux2348apl functional symbol quad rightwards arrow
Ux2349apl functional symbol circle backslash
Ux234Aapl functional symbol down tack underbar
Ux234Bapl functional symbol delta stile
Ux234Capl functional symbol quad down caret
Ux234Dapl functional symbol quad delta
Ux234Eapl functional symbol down tack jot
Ux234Fapl functional symbol upwards vane
Ux2350apl functional symbol quad upwards arrow
Ux2351apl functional symbol up tack overbar
Ux2352apl functional symbol del stile
Ux2353apl functional symbol quad up caret
Ux2354apl functional symbol quad del
Ux2355apl functional symbol up tack jot
Ux2356apl functional symbol downwards vane
Ux2357apl functional symbol quad downwards arrow
Ux2358apl functional symbol quote underbar
Ux2359apl functional symbol delta underbar
Ux235Aapl functional symbol diamond underbar
Ux235Bapl functional symbol jot underbar
Ux235Capl functional symbol circle underbar
Ux235Dapl functional symbol up shoe jot
Ux235Eapl functional symbol quote quad
Ux235Fapl functional symbol circle star
Ux2360apl functional symbol quad colon
Ux2361apl functional symbol up tack diaeresis
Ux2362apl functional symbol del diaeresis
Ux2363apl functional symbol star diaeresis
Ux2364apl functional symbol jot diaeresis
Ux2365apl functional symbol circle diaeresis
Ux2366apl functional symbol down shoe stile
Ux2367apl functional symbol left shoe stile
Ux2368apl functional symbol tilde diaeresis
Ux2369apl functional symbol greater-than diaeresis
Ux236Aapl functional symbol comma bar
Ux236Bapl functional symbol del tilde
Ux236Capl functional symbol zilde
Ux236Dapl functional symbol stile tilde
Ux236Eapl functional symbol semicolon underbar
Ux236Fapl functional symbol quad not equal
Ux2370apl functional symbol quad question
Ux2371apl functional symbol down caret tilde
Ux2372apl functional symbol up caret tilde
Ux2373apl functional symbol iota
Ux2374apl functional symbol rho
Ux2375apl functional symbol omega
Ux2376apl functional symbol alpha underbar
Ux2377apl functional symbol epsilon underbar
Ux2378apl functional symbol iota underbar
Ux2379apl functional symbol omega underbar
Ux237Aapl functional symbol alpha
Ux237Bnot check mark
Ux237Cright angle with downwards zigzag arrow
Ux237Dshouldered open box
Ux237Ebell symbol
Ux237Fvertical line with middle dot
Ux2380insertion symbol
Ux2381continuous underline symbol
Ux2382discontinuous underline symbol
Ux2383emphasis symbol
Ux2384composition symbol
Ux2385white square with centre vertical line
Ux2386enter symbol
Ux2387alternative key symbol
Ux2388helm symbol
Ux2389circled horizontal bar with notch
Ux238Acircled triangle down
Ux238Bbroken circle with northwest arrow
Ux238Cundo symbol
Ux238Dmonostable symbol
Ux238Ehysteresis symbol
Ux238Fopen-circuit-output h-type symbol
Ux2390open-circuit-output l-type symbol
Ux2391passive-pull-down-output symbol
Ux2392passive-pull-up-output symbol
Ux2393direct current symbol form two
Ux2394software-function symbol
Ux2395apl functional symbol quad
Ux2396decimal separator key symbol
Ux2397previous page
Ux2398next page
Ux2399print screen symbol
Ux239Aclear screen symbol
Ux239Bleft parenthesis upper hook
Ux239Cleft parenthesis extension
Ux239Dleft parenthesis lower hook
Ux239Eright parenthesis upper hook
Ux239Fright parenthesis extension
Ux23A0right parenthesis lower hook
Ux23A1left square bracket upper corner
Ux23A2left square bracket extension
Ux23A3left square bracket lower corner
Ux23A4right square bracket upper corner
Ux23A5right square bracket extension
Ux23A6right square bracket lower corner
Ux23A7left curly bracket upper hook
Ux23A8left curly bracket middle piece
Ux23A9left curly bracket lower hook
Ux23AAcurly bracket extension
Ux23ABright curly bracket upper hook
Ux23ACright curly bracket middle piece
Ux23ADright curly bracket lower hook
Ux23AEintegral extension
Ux23AFhorizontal line extension
Ux23B0upper left or lower right curly bracket section
Ux23B1upper right or lower left curly bracket section
Ux23B2summation top
Ux23B3summation bottom
Ux23B4top square bracket
Ux23B5bottom square bracket
Ux23B6bottom square bracket over top square bracket
Ux23B7radical symbol bottom
Ux23B8left vertical box line
Ux23B9right vertical box line
Ux23BAhorizontal scan line-1
Ux23BBhorizontal scan line-3
Ux23BChorizontal scan line-7
Ux23BDhorizontal scan line-9
Ux23BEdentistry symbol light vertical and top right
Ux23BFdentistry symbol light vertical and bottom right
Ux23C0dentistry symbol light vertical with circle
Ux23C1dentistry symbol light down and horizontal with circle
Ux23C2dentistry symbol light up and horizontal with circle
Ux23C3dentistry symbol light vertical with triangle
Ux23C4dentistry symbol light down and horizontal with triangle
Ux23C5dentistry symbol light up and horizontal with triangle
Ux23C6dentistry symbol light vertical and wave
Ux23C7dentistry symbol light down and horizontal with wave
Ux23C8dentistry symbol light up and horizontal with wave
Ux23C9dentistry symbol light down and horizontal
Ux23CAdentistry symbol light up and horizontal
Ux23CBdentistry symbol light vertical and top left
Ux23CCdentistry symbol light vertical and bottom left
Ux23CDsquare foot
Ux23CEreturn symbol
Ux23D0vertical line extension
Ux23D1metrical breve
Ux23D2metrical long over short
Ux23D3metrical short over long
Ux23D4metrical long over two shorts
Ux23D5metrical two shorts over long
Ux23D6metrical two shorts joined
Ux23D7metrical triseme
Ux23D8metrical tetraseme
Ux23D9metrical pentaseme
Ux23DAearth ground
Ux23DCtop parenthesis
Ux23DDbottom parenthesis
Ux23DEtop curly bracket
Ux23DFbottom curly bracket
Ux23E0top tortoise shell bracket
Ux23E1bottom tortoise shell bracket
Ux23E2white trapezium
Ux23E3benzene ring with circle
Ux23E6ac current
Ux23E7electrical intersection
Ux23E8decimal exponent symbol
Ux2686white circle with dot right
Ux2687white circle with two dots
Ux2688black circle with white dot right
Ux2689black circle with two white dots
?Ux1F890leftwards triangle arrowhead
?Ux1F891upwards triangle arrowhead
?Ux1F892rightwards triangle arrowhead
?Ux1F893downwards triangle arrowhead
?Ux1F894leftwards white arrow within triangle arrowhead
?Ux1F895upwards white arrow within triangle arrowhead
?Ux1F896rightwards white arrow within triangle arrowhead
?Ux1F897downwards white arrow within triangle arrowhead