🆙 Comment utiliser les caractères Unicode

?Ux1F5FAworld map


Ux2690white flag
Ux2691black flag
?Ux1F3F3waving white flag
?Ux1F3F4waving black flag


?Ux1F30Cmilky way
?Ux1F30Dearth globe europe-africa
?Ux1F30Eearth globe americas
?Ux1F30Fearth globe asia-australia
?Ux1F310globe with meridians
?Ux1F311new moon symbol
?Ux1F312waxing crescent moon symbol
?Ux1F313first quarter moon symbol
?Ux1F314waxing gibbous moon symbol
?Ux1F315full moon symbol
?Ux1F316waning gibbous moon symbol
?Ux1F317last quarter moon symbol
?Ux1F318waning crescent moon symbol
?Ux1F319crescent moon
?Ux1F31Anew moon with face
?Ux1F31Bfirst quarter moon with face
?Ux1F31Clast quarter moon with face
?Ux1F31Dfull moon with face
?Ux1F31Esun with face
?Ux1F31Fglowing star
?Ux1F320shooting star
?Ux1F505low brightness symbol
?Ux1F506high brightness symbol


?Ux1F4A6splashing sweat symbol


?Ux1F3E0house building
?Ux1F3E1house with garden
?Ux1F3E2office building
?Ux1F3E3japanese post office
?Ux1F3E4european post office
?Ux1F3E9love hotel
?Ux1F3EAconvenience store
?Ux1F3ECdepartment store
?Ux1F3EFjapanese castle
?Ux1F3F0european castle
?Ux1F5FCtokyo tower
?Ux1F5FDstatue of liberty


?Ux1F4A1electric light bulb
?Ux1F4A0diamond shape with a dot inside
?Ux1F3EEizakaya lantern
?Ux1F48Egem stone
?Ux1F6CBcouch and lamp
?Ux1F6CCsleeping accommodation


?Ux1F3D4snow capped mountain
?Ux1F3D6beach with umbrella
?Ux1F3D7building construction
?Ux1F3D8house buildings
?Ux1F3DAderelict house building
?Ux1F3DBclassical building
?Ux1F3DDdesert island
?Ux1F3DEnational park
?Ux1F5FBmount fuji


?Ux1F403water buffalo
?Ux1F41Aspiral shell
?Ux1F41Elady beetle
?Ux1F420tropical fish
?Ux1F423hatching chick
?Ux1F424baby chick
?Ux1F425front-facing baby chick
?Ux1F42Adromedary camel
?Ux1F42Bbactrian camel
?Ux1F42Dmouse face
?Ux1F42Ecow face
?Ux1F42Ftiger face
?Ux1F430rabbit face
?Ux1F431cat face
?Ux1F432dragon face
?Ux1F433spouting whale
?Ux1F434horse face
?Ux1F435monkey face
?Ux1F436dog face
?Ux1F437pig face
?Ux1F438frog face
?Ux1F439hamster face
?Ux1F43Awolf face
?Ux1F43Bbear face
?Ux1F43Cpanda face
?Ux1F43Dpig nose
?Ux1F43Epaw prints
?Ux1F981lion face
?Ux1F984unicorn face


?Ux1F332evergreen tree
?Ux1F333deciduous tree
?Ux1F334palm tree
?Ux1F33Dear of maize
?Ux1F33Eear of rice
?Ux1F340four leaf clover
?Ux1F341maple leaf
?Ux1F342fallen leaf
?Ux1F343leaf fluttering in wind
?Ux1F338cherry blossom
?Ux1F4AEwhite flower
?Ux1F336hot pepper
?Ux1F34Ered apple
?Ux1F34Fgreen apple