🆙 Comment utiliser les caractères Unicode


Ux2220ang Symbole mathématique Angle
Ux2221measured angle
Ux2222spherical angle
Ux2224does not divide
Ux2225parallel to
Ux2226not parallel to
Ux2227and Symbole ET logique
Ux2228or Symbole OU logique
Ux2229cap Symbole mathématique Intersection
Ux222Acup Symbole mathématique Union
Ux222Bint Symbole mathématique Intégration
Ux222Cdouble integral
Ux222Dtriple integral
Ux222Econtour integral
Ux222Fsurface integral
Ux2230volume integral
Ux2231clockwise integral
Ux2232clockwise contour integral
Ux2233anticlockwise contour integral
Ux2234there4 Astérisme
Ux2238dot minus
Ux223Ageometric proportion
Ux223Csim tilde
Ux223Dreversed tilde
Ux223Einverted lazy s
Ux223Fsine wave
Ux2240wreath product
Ux2241not tilde
Ux2242minus tilde
Ux2243asymptotically equal to
Ux2244not asymptotically equal to
Ux2245cong Symbole mathématique Approximativement égal à
Ux2246approximately but not actually equal to
Ux2247neither approximately nor actually equal to
Ux2248asymp Symbole mathématique Asymptotique à
Ux2249not almost equal to
Ux224Aalmost equal or equal to
Ux224Btriple tilde
Ux224Call equal to
Ux224Dequivalent to
Ux224Egeometrically equivalent to
Ux224Fdifference between
Ux2250approaches the limit
Ux2251geometrically equal to
Ux2252approximately equal to or the image of
Ux2253image of or approximately equal to
Ux2254colon equals
Ux2255equals colon
Ux2256ring in equal to
Ux2257ring equal to
Ux2258corresponds to
Ux225Aequiangular to
Ux225Bstar equals
Ux225Cdelta equal to
Ux225Dequal to by definition
Ux225Emeasured by
Ux225Fquestioned equal to
Ux2260ne Symbole mathématique Pas égale à
Ux2261equiv Symbole mathématique Congruence
Ux2262not identical to
Ux2263strictly equivalent to
Ux2264le Symbole mathématique Inférieur ou égal à
Ux2265ge Symbole mathématique Supérieur ou égal à
Ux2266less-than over equal to
Ux2267greater-than over equal to
Ux2268less-than but not equal to
Ux2269greater-than but not equal to
Ux226Amuch less-than
Ux226Bmuch greater-than
Ux226Dnot equivalent to
Ux226Enot less-than
Ux226Fnot greater-than
Ux2270neither less-than nor equal to
Ux2271neither greater-than nor equal to
Ux2272less-than or equivalent to
Ux2273greater-than or equivalent to
Ux2274neither less-than nor equivalent to
Ux2275neither greater-than nor equivalent to
Ux2276less-than or greater-than
Ux2277greater-than or less-than
Ux2278neither less-than nor greater-than
Ux2279neither greater-than nor less-than
Ux227Cprecedes or equal to
Ux227Dsucceeds or equal to
Ux227Eprecedes or equivalent to
Ux227Fsucceeds or equivalent to
Ux2280does not precede
Ux2281does not succeed
Ux2282sub Symbole mathématique Sous-ensemble de
Ux2283sup Symbole mathématique Sur-ensemble de
Ux2284nsub Symbole mathématique Pas un sous-ensemble de
Ux2285not a superset of
Ux2286sube Symbole mathématique Sous-ensemble ou égal à
Ux2287supe Symbole mathématique Sur-ensemble ou égal à
Ux2288neither a subset of nor equal to
Ux2289neither a superset of nor equal to
Ux228Asubset of with not equal to
Ux228Bsuperset of with not equal to
Ux228Dmultiset multiplication
Ux228Emultiset union
Ux228Fsquare image of
Ux2290square original of
Ux2291square image of or equal to
Ux2292square original of or equal to
Ux2293square cap
Ux2294square cup
Ux2295oplus Symbole mathématique Somme directe (Plus cerclé)
Ux2296circled minus
Ux2297otimes Symbole mathématique Produit vectoriel (Multiplié par cerclé)
Ux2298circled division slash
Ux2299circled dot operator
Ux229Acircled ring operator
Ux229Bcircled asterisk operator
Ux229Ccircled equals
Ux229Dcircled dash
Ux229Esquared plus
Ux229Fsquared minus
Ux22A0squared times
Ux22A1squared dot operator
Ux22A2right tack
Ux22A3left tack
Ux22A4down tack
Ux22A5perp Taquet vers le haut
Ux22AAtriple vertical bar right turnstile
Ux22ABdouble vertical bar double right turnstile
Ux22ACdoes not prove
Ux22ADnot true
Ux22AEdoes not force
Ux22AFnegated double vertical bar double right turnstile
Ux22B0precedes under relation
Ux22B1succeeds under relation
Ux22B2normal subgroup of
Ux22B3contains as normal subgroup
Ux22B4normal subgroup of or equal to
Ux22B5contains as normal subgroup or equal to
Ux22B6original of
Ux22B7image of
Ux22B9hermitian conjugate matrix
Ux22BEright angle with arc
Ux22BFright triangle
Ux22C0n-ary logical and
Ux22C1n-ary logical or
Ux22C2n-ary intersection
Ux22C3n-ary union
Ux22C4diamond operator
Ux22C5sdot Opérateur Point
Ux22C6star operator
Ux22C7division times
Ux22C9left normal factor semidirect product
Ux22CAright normal factor semidirect product
Ux22CBleft semidirect product
Ux22CCright semidirect product
Ux22CDreversed tilde equals
Ux22CEcurly logical or
Ux22CFcurly logical and
Ux22D0double subset
Ux22D1double superset
Ux22D2double intersection
Ux22D3double union
Ux22D5equal and parallel to
Ux22D6less-than with dot
Ux22D7greater-than with dot
Ux22D8very much less-than
Ux22D9very much greater-than
Ux22DAless-than equal to or greater-than
Ux22DBgreater-than equal to or less-than
Ux22DCequal to or less-than
Ux22DDequal to or greater-than
Ux22DEequal to or precedes
Ux22DFequal to or succeeds
Ux22E0does not precede or equal
Ux22E1does not succeed or equal
Ux22E2not square image of or equal to
Ux22E3not square original of or equal to
Ux22E4square image of or not equal to
Ux22E5square original of or not equal to
Ux22E6less-than but not equivalent to
Ux22E7greater-than but not equivalent to
Ux22E8precedes but not equivalent to
Ux22E9succeeds but not equivalent to
Ux22EAnot normal subgroup of
Ux22EBdoes not contain as normal subgroup
Ux22ECnot normal subgroup of or equal to
Ux22EDdoes not contain as normal subgroup or equal
Ux22EEvellip Points de suspension verticaux
Ux22EFmidline horizontal ellipsis
Ux22F0up right diagonal ellipsis
Ux22F1down right diagonal ellipsis
Ux22F2element of with long horizontal stroke
Ux22F3element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
Ux22F4small element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
Ux22F5element of with dot above
Ux22F6element of with overbar
Ux22F7small element of with overbar
Ux22F8element of with underbar
Ux22F9element of with two horizontal strokes
Ux22FAcontains with long horizontal stroke
Ux22FBcontains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
Ux22FCsmall contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
Ux22FDcontains with overbar
Ux22FEsmall contains with overbar
Ux22FFz notation bag membership
Ux27C0three dimensional angle
Ux27C1white triangle containing small white triangle
Ux27C3open subset
Ux27C4open superset
Ux27C5left s-shaped bag delimiter
Ux27C6right s-shaped bag delimiter
Ux27C7or with dot inside
Ux27C8reverse solidus preceding subset
Ux27C9superset preceding solidus
Ux27CAvertical bar with horizontal stroke
Ux27CBmathematical rising diagonal
Ux27CClong division
Ux27CDmathematical falling diagonal
Ux27CEsquared logical and
Ux27CFsquared logical or
Ux27D0white diamond with centred dot
Ux27D1and with dot
Ux27D2element of opening upwards
Ux27D3lower right corner with dot
Ux27D4upper left corner with dot
Ux27D5left outer join
Ux27D6right outer join
Ux27D7full outer join
Ux27D8large up tack
Ux27D9large down tack
Ux27DAleft and right double turnstile
Ux27DBleft and right tack
Ux27DCleft multimap
Ux27DDlong right tack
Ux27DElong left tack
Ux27DFup tack with circle above
Ux27E0lozenge divided by horizontal rule
Ux27E1white concave-sided diamond
Ux27E2white concave-sided diamond with leftwards tick
Ux27E3white concave-sided diamond with rightwards tick
Ux27E4white square with leftwards tick
Ux27E5white square with rightwards tick
Ux27E6mathematical left white square bracket
Ux27E7mathematical right white square bracket
Ux27E8mathematical left angle bracket
Ux27E9mathematical right angle bracket
Ux27EAmathematical left double angle bracket
Ux27EBmathematical right double angle bracket
Ux27ECmathematical left white tortoise shell bracket
Ux27EDmathematical right white tortoise shell bracket
Ux27EEmathematical left flattened parenthesis
Ux27EFmathematical right flattened parenthesis
Ux2985left white parenthesis
Ux2986right white parenthesis
⦿Ux29BFcircled bullet
Ux29FAdouble plus
Ux29FBtriple plus
Ux2A00n-ary circled dot operator
Ux2A01n-ary circled plus operator
Ux2A02n-ary circled times operator
Ux2A03n-ary union operator with dot
Ux2A04n-ary union operator with plus
Ux2A05n-ary square intersection operator
Ux2A06n-ary square union operator
Ux2A07two logical and operator
Ux2A08two logical or operator
Ux2A09n-ary times operator
Ux2A0Amodulo two sum
Ux2A0Bsummation with integral
Ux2A0Cquadruple integral operator
Ux2A0Dfinite part integral
Ux2A0Eintegral with double stroke
Ux2A0Fintegral average with slash
Ux2A10circulation function
Ux2A11anticlockwise integration
Ux2A12line integration with rectangular path around pole
Ux2A13line integration with semicircular path around pole
Ux2A14line integration not including the pole
Ux2A15integral around a point operator
Ux2A16quaternion integral operator
Ux2A17integral with leftwards arrow with hook
Ux2A18integral with times sign
Ux2A19integral with intersection
Ux2A1Aintegral with union
Ux2A1Bintegral with overbar
Ux2A1Cintegral with underbar
Ux2A1Elarge left triangle operator
Ux2A1Fz notation schema composition
Ux2A20z notation schema piping
Ux2A21z notation schema projection
Ux2A22plus sign with small circle above
Ux2A23plus sign with circumflex accent above
Ux2A24plus sign with tilde above
Ux2A25plus sign with dot below
Ux2A26plus sign with tilde below
Ux2A27plus sign with subscript two
Ux2A28plus sign with black triangle
Ux2A29minus sign with comma above
Ux2A2Aminus sign with dot below
Ux2A2Bminus sign with falling dots
Ux2A2Cminus sign with rising dots
Ux2A2Dplus sign in left half circle
Ux2A2Eplus sign in right half circle
Ux2A2Fvector or cross product
Ux2A30multiplication sign with dot above
Ux2A31multiplication sign with underbar
Ux2A32semidirect product with bottom closed
Ux2A33smash product
Ux2A34multiplication sign in left half circle
Ux2A35multiplication sign in right half circle
Ux2A36circled multiplication sign with circumflex accent
Ux2A37multiplication sign in double circle
Ux2A38circled division sign
Ux2A39plus sign in triangle
Ux2A3Aminus sign in triangle
Ux2A3Bmultiplication sign in triangle
Ux2A3Cinterior product
Ux2A3Drighthand interior product
Ux2A3Ez notation relational composition
⨿Ux2A3Famalgamation or coproduct
Ux2A40intersection with dot
Ux2A41union with minus sign
Ux2A42union with overbar
Ux2A43intersection with overbar
Ux2A44intersection with logical and
Ux2A45union with logical or
Ux2A46union above intersection
Ux2A47intersection above union
Ux2A48union above bar above intersection
Ux2A49intersection above bar above union
Ux2A4Aunion beside and joined with union
Ux2A4Bintersection beside and joined with intersection
Ux2A4Cclosed union with serifs
Ux2A4Dclosed intersection with serifs
Ux2A4Edouble square intersection
Ux2A4Fdouble square union
Ux2A50closed union with serifs and smash product
Ux2A51logical and with dot above
Ux2A52logical or with dot above
Ux2A53double logical and
Ux2A54double logical or
Ux2A55two intersecting logical and
Ux2A56two intersecting logical or
Ux2A57sloping large or
Ux2A58sloping large and
Ux2A59logical or overlapping logical and
Ux2A5Alogical and with middle stem
Ux2A5Blogical or with middle stem
Ux2A5Clogical and with horizontal dash
Ux2A5Dlogical or with horizontal dash
Ux2A5Elogical and with double overbar
Ux2A5Flogical and with underbar
Ux2A60logical and with double underbar
Ux2A61small vee with underbar
Ux2A62logical or with double overbar
Ux2A63logical or with double underbar
Ux2A64z notation domain antirestriction
Ux2A65z notation range antirestriction
Ux2A66equals sign with dot below
Ux2A67identical with dot above
Ux2A68triple horizontal bar with double vertical stroke
Ux2A69triple horizontal bar with triple vertical stroke
Ux2A6Atilde operator with dot above
Ux2A6Btilde operator with rising dots
Ux2A6Csimilar minus similar
Ux2A6Dcongruent with dot above
Ux2A6Eequals with asterisk
Ux2A6Falmost equal to with circumflex accent
Ux2A70approximately equal or equal to
Ux2A71equals sign above plus sign
Ux2A72plus sign above equals sign
Ux2A73equals sign above tilde operator
Ux2A74double colon equal
Ux2A75two consecutive equals signs
Ux2A76three consecutive equals signs
Ux2A77equals sign with two dots above and two dots below
Ux2A78equivalent with four dots above
Ux2A79less-than with circle inside
Ux2A7Agreater-than with circle inside
Ux2A7Bless-than with question mark above
Ux2A7Cgreater-than with question mark above
Ux2A7Dless-than or slanted equal to
Ux2A7Egreater-than or slanted equal to
⩿Ux2A7Fless-than or slanted equal to with dot inside
Ux2A80greater-than or slanted equal to with dot inside
Ux2A81less-than or slanted equal to with dot above
Ux2A82greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above
Ux2A83less-than or slanted equal to with dot above right
Ux2A84greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above left
Ux2A85less-than or approximate
Ux2A86greater-than or approximate
Ux2A87less-than and single-line not equal to
Ux2A88greater-than and single-line not equal to
Ux2A89less-than and not approximate
Ux2A8Agreater-than and not approximate
Ux2A8Bless-than above double-line equal above greater-than
Ux2A8Cgreater-than above double-line equal above less-than
Ux2A8Dless-than above similar or equal
Ux2A8Egreater-than above similar or equal
Ux2A8Fless-than above similar above greater-than
Ux2A90greater-than above similar above less-than
Ux2A91less-than above greater-than above double-line equal
Ux2A92greater-than above less-than above double-line equal
Ux2A93less-than above slanted equal above greater-than above slanted equal
Ux2A94greater-than above slanted equal above less-than above slanted equal
Ux2A95slanted equal to or less-than
Ux2A96slanted equal to or greater-than
Ux2A97slanted equal to or less-than with dot inside
Ux2A98slanted equal to or greater-than with dot inside
Ux2A99double-line equal to or less-than
Ux2A9Adouble-line equal to or greater-than
Ux2A9Bdouble-line slanted equal to or less-than
Ux2A9Cdouble-line slanted equal to or greater-than
Ux2A9Dsimilar or less-than
Ux2A9Esimilar or greater-than
Ux2A9Fsimilar above less-than above equals sign
Ux2AA0similar above greater-than above equals sign
Ux2AA1double nested less-than
Ux2AA2double nested greater-than
Ux2AA3double nested less-than with underbar
Ux2AA4greater-than overlapping less-than
Ux2AA5greater-than beside less-than
Ux2AA6less-than closed by curve
Ux2AA7greater-than closed by curve
Ux2AA8less-than closed by curve above slanted equal
Ux2AA9greater-than closed by curve above slanted equal
Ux2AAAsmaller than
Ux2AABlarger than
Ux2AACsmaller than or equal to
Ux2AADlarger than or equal to
Ux2AAEequals sign with bumpy above
Ux2AAFprecedes above single-line equals sign
Ux2AB0succeeds above single-line equals sign
Ux2AB1precedes above single-line not equal to
Ux2AB2succeeds above single-line not equal to
Ux2AB3precedes above equals sign
Ux2AB4succeeds above equals sign
Ux2AB5precedes above not equal to
Ux2AB6succeeds above not equal to
Ux2AB7precedes above almost equal to
Ux2AB8succeeds above almost equal to
Ux2AB9precedes above not almost equal to
Ux2ABAsucceeds above not almost equal to
Ux2ABBdouble precedes
Ux2ABCdouble succeeds
Ux2ABDsubset with dot
Ux2ABEsuperset with dot
⪿Ux2ABFsubset with plus sign below
Ux2AC0superset with plus sign below
Ux2AC1subset with multiplication sign below
Ux2AC2superset with multiplication sign below
Ux2AC3subset of or equal to with dot above
Ux2AC4superset of or equal to with dot above
Ux2AC5subset of above equals sign
Ux2AC6superset of above equals sign
Ux2AC7subset of above tilde operator
Ux2AC8superset of above tilde operator
Ux2AC9subset of above almost equal to
Ux2ACAsuperset of above almost equal to
Ux2ACBsubset of above not equal to
Ux2ACCsuperset of above not equal to
Ux2ACDsquare left open box operator
Ux2ACEsquare right open box operator
Ux2ACFclosed subset
Ux2AD0closed superset
Ux2AD1closed subset or equal to
Ux2AD2closed superset or equal to
Ux2AD3subset above superset
Ux2AD4superset above subset
Ux2AD5subset above subset
Ux2AD6superset above superset
Ux2AD7superset beside subset
Ux2AD8superset beside and joined by dash with subset
Ux2AD9element of opening downwards
Ux2ADApitchfork with tee top
Ux2ADBtransversal intersection
Ux2ADEshort left tack
Ux2ADFshort down tack
Ux2AE0short up tack
Ux2AE1perpendicular with s
Ux2AE2vertical bar triple right turnstile
Ux2AE3double vertical bar left turnstile
Ux2AE4vertical bar double left turnstile
Ux2AE5double vertical bar double left turnstile
Ux2AE6long dash from left member of double vertical
Ux2AE7short down tack with overbar
Ux2AE8short up tack with underbar
Ux2AE9short up tack above short down tack
Ux2AEAdouble down tack
Ux2AEBdouble up tack
Ux2AECdouble stroke not sign
Ux2AEDreversed double stroke not sign
Ux2AEEdoes not divide with reversed negation slash
Ux2AEFvertical line with circle above
Ux2AF0vertical line with circle below
Ux2AF1down tack with circle below
Ux2AF2parallel with horizontal stroke
Ux2AF3parallel with tilde operator
Ux2AF4triple vertical bar binary relation
Ux2AF5triple vertical bar with horizontal stroke
Ux2AF6triple colon operator
Ux2AF7triple nested less-than
Ux2AF8triple nested greater-than
Ux2AF9double-line slanted less-than or equal to
Ux2AFAdouble-line slanted greater-than or equal to
Ux2AFBtriple solidus binary relation
Ux2AFClarge triple vertical bar operator
Ux2AFDdouble solidus operator
Ux2AFEwhite vertical bar
⫿Ux2AFFn-ary white vertical bar