🆙 Comment utiliser les caractères Unicode


?Ux1F381wrapped present
?Ux1F384christmas tree
?Ux1F385father christmas
?Ux1F387firework sparkler
?Ux1F389party popper
?Ux1F38Aconfetti ball
?Ux1F38Btanabata tree
?Ux1F38Ccrossed flags
?Ux1F38Dpine decoration
?Ux1F38Ejapanese dolls
?Ux1F38Fcarp streamer
?Ux1F390wind chime
?Ux1F391moon viewing ceremony
?Ux1F3A0carousel horse
?Ux1F3A1ferris wheel
?Ux1F3A2roller coaster
?Ux1F3AAcircus tent


Ux26BDsoccer ball
Ux26F3flag in hole
Ux26F8ice skate
Ux26F9person with ball
?Ux1F3BDrunning shirt with sash
?Ux1F3BEtennis racquet and ball
?Ux1F3BFski and ski boot
?Ux1F3C0basketball and hoop
?Ux1F3C1chequered flag
?Ux1F3C5sports medal
?Ux1F3C7horse racing
?Ux1F3C8american football
?Ux1F3C9rugby football
?Ux1F3CBweight lifter
?Ux1F3CDracing motorcycle
?Ux1F3CEracing car
?Ux1F3CFcricket bat and ball
?Ux1F3D1field hockey stick and ball
?Ux1F3D2ice hockey stick and puck
?Ux1F3D3table tennis paddle and ball
?Ux1F3F8badminton racquet and shuttlecock
?Ux1F3F9bow and arrow
?Ux1F3A3fishing pole and fish
?Ux1F3A8artist palette

Jeux de Cartes

Ux2660spades Pique noir
Ux2661white heart suit
Ux2662white diamond suit
Ux2663clubs Trèfle noir
Ux2664white spade suit
Ux2665hearts Cœur noir
Ux2666diams Carreau noir
Ux2667white club suit
?Ux1F0CFplaying card black joker

Jeux de dés

Ux2680die face-1
Ux2681die face-2
Ux2682die face-3
Ux2683die face-4
Ux2684die face-5
Ux2685die face-6

Jeux déchec

Ux2654white chess king
Ux2655white chess queen
Ux2656white chess rook
Ux2657white chess bishop
Ux2658white chess knight
Ux2659white chess pawn
Ux265Ablack chess king
Ux265Bblack chess queen
Ux265Cblack chess rook
Ux265Dblack chess bishop
Ux265Eblack chess knight
Ux265Fblack chess pawn

Jeux de Mahjong

?Ux1F004mahjong tile red dragon


?Ux1F3AEvideo game
?Ux1F3AFdirect hit
?Ux1F3B0slot machine
?Ux1F3B2game die
?Ux1F3B4flower playing cards
?Ux1F52Ecrystal ball


Ux2614umbrella with rain drops
Ux26C4snowman without snow
Ux26C5sun behind cloud
Ux26C7black snowman
Ux26C8thunder cloud and rain
Ux26D0car sliding
?Ux1F302closed umbrella
?Ux1F303night with stars
?Ux1F304sunrise over mountains
?Ux1F306cityscape at dusk
?Ux1F307sunset over buildings
?Ux1F309bridge at night
?Ux1F30Awater wave
?Ux1F323white sun
?Ux1F324white sun with small cloud
?Ux1F325white sun behind cloud
?Ux1F326white sun behind cloud with rain
?Ux1F327cloud with rain
?Ux1F328cloud with snow
?Ux1F329cloud with lightning
?Ux1F32Acloud with tornado
?Ux1F32Cwind blowing face


Ux2670west syriac cross
Ux2671east syriac cross
?Ux1F52Fsix pointed star with middle dot
?Ux1F540circled cross pommee
?Ux1F541cross pommee with half-circle below
?Ux1F542cross pommee
?Ux1F543notched left semicircle with three dots
?Ux1F544notched right semicircle with three dots
?Ux1F545symbol for marks chapter
?Ux1F546white latin cross
?Ux1F547heavy latin cross
?Ux1F548celtic cross
?Ux1F549om symbol
?Ux1F54Adove of peace
?Ux1F54Emenorah with nine branches
?Ux1F64Cperson raising both hands in celebration
?Ux1F64Fperson with folded hands


Ux26C0white draughts man
Ux26C1white draughts king
Ux26C2black draughts man
Ux26C3black draughts king
?Ux1F39Efilm frames
?Ux1F39Fadmission tickets
?Ux1F3A5movie camera
?Ux1F3ACclapper board
?Ux1F3ADperforming arts
?Ux1F4F8camera with flash
?Ux1F4F9video camera
?Ux1F4FDfilm projector


?Ux1F399studio microphone
?Ux1F39Alevel slider
?Ux1F39Bcontrol knobs
?Ux1F3B5musical note
?Ux1F3B6multiple musical notes
?Ux1F3B9musical keyboard
?Ux1F3BCmusical score
?Ux1F509speaker with one sound wave
?Ux1F50Aspeaker with three sound waves
?Ux1F568right speaker
?Ux1F569right speaker with one sound wave
?Ux1F56Aright speaker with three sound waves
Ux2669quarter note
Ux266Aeighth note
Ux266Bbeamed eighth notes
Ux266Cbeamed sixteenth notes
Ux266Dmusic flat sign
Ux266Emusic natural sign
Ux266Fmusic sharp sign