• dans le code HTML : on met le code hexa en rouge (la partie après Ux) entre et ;.
    Exemple : Ux26&
    si le caractère dispose d'une entité HTML (en vert), on l'utilise directement &
  • dans une propriété CSS, on utilise le code hexa préfixé par un antislach
    Exemple : .foo{content:"\26";}

Ma méthode de classement :

Elle sera affinée à l'usage. L'idée de base est de regrouper les caractères selon leur utilisations sans tenir compte du classement d'Unicode. Normalement, seuls les caractères lisibles sous Windows, Mac ou Android sont retenus ici. N'hésitez pas à signaler des oublis
Vous pouvez cliquer sur les liens ci-dessous pour aller directement à une sous-famille. Une fois sur la page, un menu à droite permet de naviguer dans cette dernière. Ce texte et menu est présent en haut de toutes les pages. voir le Top 100

Attention, le caractère peut être légèrement différent selon la police utilisée sur le site ou par le navigateur client.



Ux25CBwhite circle
Ux25CCdotted circle
Ux25CDcircle with vertical fill
Ux25CFblack circle
Ux25D0circle with left half black
Ux25D1circle with right half black
Ux25D2circle with lower half black
Ux25D3circle with upper half black
Ux25D4circle with upper right quadrant black
Ux25D5circle with all but upper left quadrant black
Ux25D6left half black circle
Ux25D7right half black circle
Ux25D8inverse bullet
Ux25D9inverse white circle
Ux25DAupper half inverse white circle
Ux25DBlower half inverse white circle
Ux25DCupper left quadrant circular arc
Ux25DDupper right quadrant circular arc
Ux25DElower right quadrant circular arc
Ux25DFlower left quadrant circular arc
Ux25E0upper half circle
Ux25E1lower half circle
Ux25EFlarge circle
Ux25F4white circle with upper left quadrant
Ux25F5white circle with lower left quadrant
Ux25F6white circle with lower right quadrant
Ux25F7white circle with upper right quadrant
Ux26AAmedium white circle
Ux26ABmedium black circle
Ux26ACmedium small white circle
Ux2B24black large circle
Ux2B57heavy circle with circle inside
Ux2B58heavy circle
Ux2B59heavy circled saltire
?Ux1F534large red circle
?Ux1F535large blue circle
Ux25E6white bullet
Ux274Dshadowed white circle
Ux2B55heavy large circle


Ux2B2Eblack vertical ellipse
Ux2B2Fwhite vertical ellipse
Ux2B56heavy oval with oval inside


Ux25B2black up-pointing triangle
Ux25B3white up-pointing triangle
Ux25B4black up-pointing small triangle
Ux25B5white up-pointing small triangle
Ux25B6black right-pointing triangle
Ux25B7white right-pointing triangle
Ux25B8black right-pointing small triangle
Ux25B9white right-pointing small triangle
Ux25BAblack right-pointing pointer
Ux25BBwhite right-pointing pointer
Ux25BCblack down-pointing triangle
Ux25BDwhite down-pointing triangle
Ux25BEblack down-pointing small triangle
Ux25BFwhite down-pointing small triangle
Ux25C0black left-pointing triangle
Ux25C1white left-pointing triangle
Ux25C2black left-pointing small triangle
Ux25C3white left-pointing small triangle
Ux25C4black left-pointing pointer
Ux25C5white left-pointing pointer
Ux25E2black lower right triangle
Ux25E3black lower left triangle
Ux25E4black upper left triangle
Ux25E5black upper right triangle
Ux25ECwhite up-pointing triangle with dot
Ux25EDup-pointing triangle with left half black
Ux25EEup-pointing triangle with right half black
Ux25F8upper left triangle
Ux25F9upper right triangle
Ux25FAlower left triangle
Ux25FFlower right triangle
?Ux1F53Aup-pointing red triangle
?Ux1F53Bdown-pointing red triangle
?Ux1F6C6triangle with rounded corners


Ux25A0black square
Ux25A1white square
Ux25A2white square with rounded corners
Ux25A3white square containing black small square
Ux25A4square with horizontal fill
Ux25A5square with vertical fill
Ux25A6square with orthogonal crosshatch fill
Ux25A7square with upper left to lower right fill
Ux25A8square with upper right to lower left fill
Ux25A9square with diagonal crosshatch fill
Ux25AAblack small square
Ux25ABwhite small square
Ux25ACblack rectangle
Ux25ADwhite rectangle
Ux25AEblack vertical rectangle
Ux25AFwhite vertical rectangle
Ux25B0black parallelogram
Ux25B1white parallelogram
Ux25F0white square with upper left quadrant
Ux25F1white square with lower left quadrant
Ux25F2white square with lower right quadrant
Ux25F3white square with upper right quadrant
Ux26CBwhite diamond in square
Ux2B12square with top half black
Ux2B13square with bottom half black
Ux2B14square with upper right diagonal half black
Ux2B15square with lower left diagonal half black
Ux2B1Adotted square
Ux2B1Bblack large square
Ux2B1Cwhite large square
?Ux1F532black square button
?Ux1F533white square button
Ux2580upper half block
Ux2581lower one eighth block
Ux2582lower one quarter block
Ux2583lower three eighths block
Ux2584lower half block
Ux2585lower five eighths block
Ux2586lower three quarters block
Ux2587lower seven eighths block
Ux2588full block
Ux2589left seven eighths block
Ux258Aleft three quarters block
Ux258Bleft five eighths block
Ux258Cleft half block
Ux258Dleft three eighths block
Ux258Eleft one quarter block
Ux258Fleft one eighth block
Ux2590right half block
Ux2591light shade
Ux2592medium shade
Ux2593dark shade
Ux2594upper one eighth block
Ux2595right one eighth block
Ux2596quadrant lower left
Ux2597quadrant lower right
Ux2598quadrant upper left
Ux2599quadrant upper left and lower left and lower right
Ux259Aquadrant upper left and lower right
Ux259Bquadrant upper left and upper right and lower left
Ux259Cquadrant upper left and upper right and lower right
Ux259Dquadrant upper right
Ux259Equadrant upper right and lower left
Ux259Fquadrant upper right and lower left and lower right
Ux25E7square with left half black
Ux25E8square with right half black
Ux25E9square with upper left diagonal half black
Ux25EAsquare with lower right diagonal half black
Ux25EBwhite square with vertical bisecting line
Ux25FBwhite medium square
Ux25FCblack medium square
Ux25FDwhite medium small square
Ux25FEblack medium small square
Ux2758light vertical bar
Ux2759medium vertical bar
Ux275Aheavy vertical bar
Ux2610ballot box
Ux274Flower right drop-shadowed white square
Ux2750upper right drop-shadowed white square
Ux2751lower right shadowed white square
Ux2752upper right shadowed white square


?Ux1F536large orange diamond
?Ux1F537large blue diamond
?Ux1F538small orange diamond
?Ux1F539small blue diamond
Ux25C6black diamond
Ux25C7white diamond
Ux25C8white diamond containing black small diamond


Ux2612ballot box with x
Ux2715multiplication x
Ux2716heavy multiplication x
Ux2717ballot x
Ux2718heavy ballot x

Fléches simples

Ux2190;H2;Flèche vers la gauche
Ux2191;H2;Flèche vers le haut
Ux2192;H2;Flèche vers la droite
Ux2193;H2;flèche vers le bas
Ux2194;H2;Flèche bilatérale
Ux2195up down arrow
Ux2196north west arrow
Ux2197north east arrow
Ux2198south east arrow
Ux2199south west arrow
Ux21E6leftwards white arrow
Ux21E7upwards white arrow
Ux21E8rightwards white arrow
Ux21E9downwards white arrow
Ux2794heavy wide-headed rightwards arrow
Ux279Cheavy round-tipped rightwards arrow
Ux279Eheavy triangle-headed rightwards arrow
Ux279Fdashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow
Ux27A0heavy dashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow
Ux27A1black rightwards arrow
Ux27A7squat black rightwards arrow
Ux27A8heavy concave-pointed black rightwards arrow
Ux2B05leftwards black arrow
Ux2B06upwards black arrow
Ux2B07downwards black arrow

Fléches colorées

Ux23E9black right-pointing double triangle
Ux23EAblack left-pointing double triangle
Ux23EBblack up-pointing double triangle
Ux23ECblack down-pointing double triangle


Ux219Aleftwards arrow with stroke
Ux219Brightwards arrow with stroke
Ux219Cleftwards wave arrow
Ux219Drightwards wave arrow
Ux219Eleftwards two headed arrow
Ux219Fupwards two headed arrow
Ux21A0rightwards two headed arrow
Ux21A1downwards two headed arrow
Ux21A2leftwards arrow with tail
Ux21A3rightwards arrow with tail
Ux21A4leftwards arrow from bar
Ux21A5upwards arrow from bar
Ux21A6rightwards arrow from bar
Ux21A7downwards arrow from bar
Ux21A8up down arrow with base
Ux21A9leftwards arrow with hook
Ux21AArightwards arrow with hook
Ux21ABleftwards arrow with loop
Ux21ACrightwards arrow with loop
Ux21ADleft right wave arrow
Ux21AEleft right arrow with stroke
Ux21AFdownwards zigzag arrow
Ux21B0upwards arrow with tip leftwards
Ux21B1upwards arrow with tip rightwards
Ux21B2downwards arrow with tip leftwards
Ux21B3downwards arrow with tip rightwards
Ux21B4rightwards arrow with corner downwards
Ux21B5;H2;Flèche haut et bas
Ux21B6anticlockwise top semicircle arrow
Ux21B7clockwise top semicircle arrow
Ux21B8north west arrow to long bar
Ux21B9leftwards arrow to bar over rightwards arrow to bar
Ux21BAanticlockwise open circle arrow
Ux21BBclockwise open circle arrow
Ux21BCleftwards harpoon with barb upwards
Ux21BDleftwards harpoon with barb downwards
Ux21BEupwards harpoon with barb rightwards
Ux21BFupwards harpoon with barb leftwards
Ux21C0rightwards harpoon with barb upwards
Ux21C1rightwards harpoon with barb downwards
Ux21C2downwards harpoon with barb rightwards
Ux21C3downwards harpoon with barb leftwards
Ux21C4rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow
Ux21C5upwards arrow leftwards of downwards arrow
Ux21C6leftwards arrow over rightwards arrow
Ux21C7leftwards paired arrows
Ux21C8upwards paired arrows
Ux21C9rightwards paired arrows
Ux21CAdownwards paired arrows
Ux21CBleftwards harpoon over rightwards harpoon
Ux21CCrightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon
Ux21CDleftwards double arrow with stroke
Ux21CEleft right double arrow with stroke
Ux21CFrightwards double arrow with stroke
Ux21D0;H2;Double flèche vers la gauche
Ux21D1;H2;Double flèche vers le haut
Ux21D2;H2;Double flèche vers la droite
Ux21D3;H2;Double flèche vers le bas
Ux21D4;H2;Double flèche bilatérale
Ux21D5up down double arrow
Ux21D6north west double arrow
Ux21D7north east double arrow
Ux21D8south east double arrow
Ux21D9south west double arrow
Ux21DAleftwards triple arrow
Ux21DBrightwards triple arrow
Ux21DCleftwards squiggle arrow
Ux21DDrightwards squiggle arrow
Ux21DEupwards arrow with double stroke
Ux21DFdownwards arrow with double stroke
Ux21E0leftwards dashed arrow
Ux21E1upwards dashed arrow
Ux21E2rightwards dashed arrow
Ux21E3downwards dashed arrow
Ux21E4leftwards arrow to bar
Ux21E5rightwards arrow to bar
Ux21EAupwards white arrow from bar
Ux21EBupwards white arrow on pedestal
Ux21ECupwards white arrow on pedestal with horizontal bar
Ux21EDupwards white arrow on pedestal with vertical bar
Ux21EEupwards white double arrow
Ux21EFupwards white double arrow on pedestal
Ux21F0rightwards white arrow from wall
Ux21F1north west arrow to corner
Ux21F2south east arrow to corner
Ux21F3up down white arrow
Ux21F4right arrow with small circle
Ux21F5downwards arrow leftwards of upwards arrow
Ux21F6three rightwards arrows
Ux21F7leftwards arrow with vertical stroke
Ux21F8rightwards arrow with vertical stroke
Ux21F9left right arrow with vertical stroke
Ux21FAleftwards arrow with double vertical stroke
Ux21FBrightwards arrow with double vertical stroke
Ux21FCleft right arrow with double vertical stroke
Ux21FDleftwards open-headed arrow
Ux21FErightwards open-headed arrow
Ux21FFleft right open-headed arrow
Ux23CFeject symbol
Ux23EDblack right-pointing double triangle with vertical bar
Ux23EEblack left-pointing double triangle with vertical bar
Ux23EFblack right-pointing triangle with double vertical bar
Ux2798heavy south east arrow
Ux2799heavy rightwards arrow
Ux279Aheavy north east arrow
Ux279Bdrafting point rightwards arrow
Ux279Dtriangle-headed rightwards arrow
Ux27A2three-d top-lighted rightwards arrowhead
Ux27A3three-d bottom-lighted rightwards arrowhead
Ux27A4black rightwards arrowhead
Ux27A5heavy black curved downwards and rightwards arrow
Ux27A6heavy black curved upwards and rightwards arrow
Ux27A9right-shaded white rightwards arrow
Ux27AAleft-shaded white rightwards arrow
Ux27ABback-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow
Ux27ACfront-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow
Ux27ADheavy lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
Ux27AEheavy upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
Ux27AFnotched lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
Ux27B1notched upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
Ux27B2circled heavy white rightwards arrow
Ux27B3white-feathered rightwards arrow
Ux27B4black-feathered south east arrow
Ux27B5black-feathered rightwards arrow
Ux27B6black-feathered north east arrow
Ux27B7heavy black-feathered south east arrow
Ux27B8heavy black-feathered rightwards arrow
Ux27B9heavy black-feathered north east arrow
Ux27BAteardrop-barbed rightwards arrow
Ux27BBheavy teardrop-shanked rightwards arrow
Ux27BCwedge-tailed rightwards arrow
Ux27BDheavy wedge-tailed rightwards arrow
Ux27BEopen-outlined rightwards arrow
Ux27F0upwards quadruple arrow
Ux27F1downwards quadruple arrow
Ux27F2anticlockwise gapped circle arrow
Ux27F3clockwise gapped circle arrow
Ux27F4right arrow with circled plus
Ux27F5long leftwards arrow
Ux27F6long rightwards arrow
Ux27F7long left right arrow
Ux27F8long leftwards double arrow
Ux27F9long rightwards double arrow
Ux27FAlong left right double arrow
Ux27FBlong leftwards arrow from bar
Ux27FClong rightwards arrow from bar
Ux27FDlong leftwards double arrow from bar
Ux27FElong rightwards double arrow from bar
Ux27FFlong rightwards squiggle arrow
Ux2934arrow pointing rightwards then curving upwards
Ux2935arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards
Ux2B4Eshort slanted north arrow
Ux2B4Fshort backslanted south arrow


Ux2500box drawings light horizontal
Ux2501box drawings heavy horizontal
Ux2502box drawings light vertical
Ux2503box drawings heavy vertical
Ux2504box drawings light triple dash horizontal
Ux2505box drawings heavy triple dash horizontal
Ux2506box drawings light triple dash vertical
Ux2507box drawings heavy triple dash vertical
Ux2508box drawings light quadruple dash horizontal
Ux2509box drawings heavy quadruple dash horizontal
Ux250Abox drawings light quadruple dash vertical
Ux250Bbox drawings heavy quadruple dash vertical
Ux250Cbox drawings light down and right
Ux250Dbox drawings down light and right heavy
Ux250Ebox drawings down heavy and right light
Ux250Fbox drawings heavy down and right
Ux2510box drawings light down and left
Ux2511box drawings down light and left heavy
Ux2512box drawings down heavy and left light
Ux2513box drawings heavy down and left
Ux2514box drawings light up and right
Ux2515box drawings up light and right heavy
Ux2516box drawings up heavy and right light
Ux2517box drawings heavy up and right
Ux2518box drawings light up and left
Ux2519box drawings up light and left heavy
Ux251Abox drawings up heavy and left light
Ux251Bbox drawings heavy up and left
Ux251Cbox drawings light vertical and right
Ux251Dbox drawings vertical light and right heavy
Ux251Ebox drawings up heavy and right down light
Ux251Fbox drawings down heavy and right up light
Ux2520box drawings vertical heavy and right light
Ux2521box drawings down light and right up heavy
Ux2522box drawings up light and right down heavy
Ux2523box drawings heavy vertical and right
Ux2524box drawings light vertical and left
Ux2525box drawings vertical light and left heavy
Ux2526box drawings up heavy and left down light
Ux2527box drawings down heavy and left up light
Ux2528box drawings vertical heavy and left light
Ux2529box drawings down light and left up heavy
Ux252Abox drawings up light and left down heavy
Ux252Bbox drawings heavy vertical and left
Ux252Cbox drawings light down and horizontal
Ux252Dbox drawings left heavy and right down light
Ux252Ebox drawings right heavy and left down light
Ux252Fbox drawings down light and horizontal heavy
Ux2530box drawings down heavy and horizontal light
Ux2531box drawings right light and left down heavy
Ux2532box drawings left light and right down heavy
Ux2533box drawings heavy down and horizontal
Ux2534box drawings light up and horizontal
Ux2535box drawings left heavy and right up light
Ux2536box drawings right heavy and left up light
Ux2537box drawings up light and horizontal heavy
Ux2538box drawings up heavy and horizontal light
Ux2539box drawings right light and left up heavy
Ux253Abox drawings left light and right up heavy
Ux253Bbox drawings heavy up and horizontal
Ux253Cbox drawings light vertical and horizontal
Ux253Dbox drawings left heavy and right vertical light
Ux253Ebox drawings right heavy and left vertical light
Ux253Fbox drawings vertical light and horizontal heavy
Ux2540box drawings up heavy and down horizontal light
Ux2541box drawings down heavy and up horizontal light
Ux2542box drawings vertical heavy and horizontal light
Ux2543box drawings left up heavy and right down light
Ux2544box drawings right up heavy and left down light
Ux2545box drawings left down heavy and right up light
Ux2546box drawings right down heavy and left up light
Ux2547box drawings down light and up horizontal heavy
Ux2548box drawings up light and down horizontal heavy
Ux2549box drawings right light and left vertical heavy
Ux254Abox drawings left light and right vertical heavy
Ux254Bbox drawings heavy vertical and horizontal
Ux254Cbox drawings light double dash horizontal
Ux254Dbox drawings heavy double dash horizontal
Ux254Ebox drawings light double dash vertical
Ux254Fbox drawings heavy double dash vertical
Ux2550box drawings double horizontal
Ux2551box drawings double vertical
Ux2552box drawings down single and right double
Ux2553box drawings down double and right single
Ux2554box drawings double down and right
Ux2555box drawings down single and left double
Ux2556box drawings down double and left single
Ux2557box drawings double down and left
Ux2558box drawings up single and right double
Ux2559box drawings up double and right single
Ux255Abox drawings double up and right
Ux255Bbox drawings up single and left double
Ux255Cbox drawings up double and left single
Ux255Dbox drawings double up and left
Ux255Ebox drawings vertical single and right double
Ux255Fbox drawings vertical double and right single
Ux2560box drawings double vertical and right
Ux2561box drawings vertical single and left double
Ux2562box drawings vertical double and left single
Ux2563box drawings double vertical and left
Ux2564box drawings down single and horizontal double
Ux2565box drawings down double and horizontal single
Ux2566box drawings double down and horizontal
Ux2567box drawings up single and horizontal double
Ux2568box drawings up double and horizontal single
Ux2569box drawings double up and horizontal
Ux256Abox drawings vertical single and horizontal double
Ux256Bbox drawings vertical double and horizontal single
Ux256Cbox drawings double vertical and horizontal
Ux256Dbox drawings light arc down and right
Ux256Ebox drawings light arc down and left
Ux256Fbox drawings light arc up and left
Ux2570box drawings light arc up and right
Ux2571box drawings light diagonal upper right to lower left
Ux2572box drawings light diagonal upper left to lower right
Ux2573box drawings light diagonal cross
Ux2574box drawings light left
Ux2575box drawings light up
Ux2576box drawings light right
Ux2577box drawings light down
Ux2578box drawings heavy left
Ux2579box drawings heavy up
Ux257Abox drawings heavy right
Ux257Bbox drawings heavy down
Ux257Cbox drawings light left and heavy right
Ux257Dbox drawings light up and heavy down
Ux257Ebox drawings heavy left and light right
Ux257Fbox drawings heavy up and light down

Panneaux bleus

?Ux1F500twisted rightwards arrows
?Ux1F501clockwise rightwards and leftwards open circle arrows
?Ux1F502clockwise rightwards and leftwards open circle arrows with circled one overlay
?Ux1F503clockwise downwards and upwards open circle arrows
?Ux1F504anticlockwise downwards and upwards open circle arrows
?Ux1F519back with leftwards arrow above
?Ux1F51Aend with leftwards arrow above
?Ux1F51Bon with exclamation mark with left right arrow above
?Ux1F51Csoon with rightwards arrow above
?Ux1F51Dtop with upwards arrow above
?Ux1F51Fkeycap ten
?Ux1F520input symbol for latin capital letters
?Ux1F521input symbol for latin small letters
?Ux1F522input symbol for numbers
?Ux1F523input symbol for symbols
?Ux1F524input symbol for latin letters
?Ux1F53Cup-pointing small red triangle
?Ux1F53Ddown-pointing small red triangle
?Ux1F199squared up with exclamation mark


?Ux1F517link symbol
?Ux1F518radio button
Ux26CCcrossing lanes